Make a return

Make a return

How to make a return

CDS Vic provides a 10 cent refund for every eligible drink container returned.  Each bottle, can and carton that you return helps to divert valuable containers from landfill. 

Eligible containers
Most aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. Keep the lids on, we recycle them too! 
Refund point types

There are hundreds of refund points across Victoria, so look out for your local. The network has more than 600 refund points.

Donation & other refund types
There are multiple ways to receive your 10 cent refund. You can either keep your refund, or support your favourite cause with a donation. 
Get involved

Get involved

CDS Vic gives charities and community groups the opportunity to raise funds while making an impact. 
Your eligible containers can help others. Donate your valuable container refunds at your nearest refund point. 

Are you a school that wants to get involved with CDS Vic? You will find lots of resources and guidance here. 

Beverage industry partners

Find out more about participating in Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme. 

Our partners

Our partners

AFL Victoria

AFL Victoria and CDS Vic have teamed up to support local football clubs across the state in raising funds and promoting sustainability. Through this exciting partnership, CDS Vic is now the Official Recycling Partner of AFL Victoria until 2027.

Scouts Victoria

We’re excited to announce a partnership between Scouts Victoria and CDS Vic, designed to reward Scouts and Scout Groups for their commitment to container recycling.

Tennis Victoria

CDS Vic is proud to announce its groundbreaking partnership with Tennis Victoria. This exciting initiative aims to reduce waste, promote recycling, and support grassroots tennis communities across the state to raise funds.

About us
Sorting eligible containers before returning

About us

About CDS Vic
CDS Vic is part of Victoria’s goal to be a leader in the creation of a stronger circular economy.
Search FAQs
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Contact us
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Scheme Integrity

See our commitment to fraud and corruption control, and how to get in touch if you have any concerns


Our new ad campaign will make you feel like a million bucks!

Keep an eye (and ear!) out for our advertising campaign called Feel Like a Million Bucks. 

Recycling ads are often rather serious and focus on the negative environmental consequences of not recycling.  Our new campaign, developed by creative agency TBWA, flips that idea on its head by showing the positive feeling you get from recycling with CDS Vic.  

Featuring a brand-new catchy track from Luke McKay and Melbourne rapper, Mkada, the campaign is aimed at encouraging people who have thought about taking part in CDS Vic but haven’t yet done so, to give it a go. 

Remember that when you return eligible containers to one of our refund points, you’re not just helping the environment, but you’re also doing a community service by helping to keep your local streets, parks and waterways clear of litter. And you get a refund that you can keep or donate to a cause that you care about. That’s a lot to feel good about! 

At the end of the day, we all know that recycling your drink containers through CDS Vic isn’t going to make you millions… but you’ll Feel Like a Million Bucks knowing that you are helping to change the world one drink container at a time! 

Advertising concept and creative by TBWA 

Media agency: OMG United

Video production by Goodoil  

Music: Alright OK UHuh - GIMME GIMME w MKADA 

Photography by Photoplay Photography